I faced numerous obstacles to write this blog. and I hope you're happy and want to see some pages of my life!

Jumat, 24 September 2010

do not forget the memories of the past

haloohaloo, gua mau cerita dongg haha udah lama ya gw ga ngeblog lagii.ini tntang someone who make me crazy sad and happy . call him (a)
in the past, gw emg deket sm dia tapi itu dulu setelah gw nglakuin kebodohan gw dan ga angkat telpon dia pas gw tidur _"_ itu adalah kesekian kelalaian gw yang menyebabkan lost contacnya gw skrng .
he ivited me to join with him to watching a movie , err but akibat gw tidur dan gw ga angkat tlponnya gw udah gatau kabar dia , sad sad to the max mannn
since then I have nothing to do with it anymore 

i dont know why? and what i must do and i musn't do !
apa gw harus sms dia dan bilang "haloo udah lama ya ga smsan , ato "hallo ko.apa kabar? eww , ato "lagi apa?"
gw sedikit gengsi kalo harus sms dia dluan. gimana ya rasanya aneh kalo gw sms dia dluan.seumur2 gw sms dia lagi apa itu cmn 1 x.yg lain gw sms morningg doangg. 
biasa dia sms gw pagi2 morning bocahh, hmm, bocah ? iya itu yg biasa dia panggil gw.
apa yg mesti gw lakuin? its very hard to forget him ! walaupun gw udah ga satu sekolah sm dia tp temen2nya yg ngatain gw bocah ingetin gw sama dia fiuhh,
gw tau cowo it bkn cmn satu, tapi mesti gmna? you make me love you and why you dont make me to hate you and to forget you?

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